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Monarch Juniors
Monarch Juniors is NOT a competition.
Our Junior Merfolk will have opportunities to participate in events with Monarch International delegates and have opportunities to be recognized for their achievements and for community service.
How to Join
To become a Junior Monarch, there is a registration fee of $175usd. This will include your Crown, Sash, t-shirt, notebook, backpack, pin, and however many badges (up to 24) that the Junior earns.
There are 6 Activity Categories that the Juniors can participate in. Each Activity Category has 3 actions and a bonus action they can complete to earn badges. Parents will have the opportunity to learn about additional events that Juniors may want to participate in.
Based on the result of Activities completed, we will name a Monarch Junior Ambassador at our annual live event. The Junior chosen will receive their official Ambassador crown and sash and will begin a year of representing Monarch Juniors and will be invited to crown a successor at next year's Monarch International Crowning.
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